Tuesday, September 23, 2014


When Thay Tâm Tuận mentioned the word “Dream”, my mind went through lot of things. I thought about my parents, my brothers and sisters, my jobs, my money, my cars, my house, my friends, my hatred, my travel, my Dharma learning, my teachers, my right, my wrong, my ego and my life. All these that I’ve attached through my life is just like a dream and yet I am enjoying being in this dream. A momentary enjoyment causes my transmigration. Is this worth it?

What is my father? What is my mother?
What is my husband? What are my children?
What are my brothers? What are my sisters?
What is love? What is affection?
What is success? What is failure?
What is being born? What is dying?
What is sickness? What is old aged?
What is cause? What is effect?
What is right? What is wrong?
What is a car? What is a house?
What is power? What is privilege?
What is “I”? What is “You”?
What are the things that I can hold on to?
When I am alive, I attach to these things
But when I die, what can I take with me?
Only the karmic force will come with me
Like the shadow
Stand by me wandering in this Samsara.

I have awakened at this moment but I don’t know how long I will fall into this “Dream” again. 

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