Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pebble's Pure Land



Disciple looks for Teacher

Someone said to me once: 
When I am ready, my teacher will appear
Many years, many teachers
They came and went
I might not pass their tests

This time I met Ni Su
She shows me the true of nature, 

that is that,
Who am I (is also that)

I hope I will pass her tests
To let me follow her footsteps

At Bodhgaya 2-b: Return back to self

Once I fully dwell in myself 
The chanting is peaceful
The dog barking is peaceful
The birds chirping is peaceful
The wind blowing is peaceful
The world is peaceful
My mind is peaceful 
What else could I ask more 
than this peaceful, joyful and at ease here and now?

My gratitude to Buddha,
my parents
my teachers (spiritual and main stream),
my friends and family,
and the universe
is enormous.

At this moment
I am and you (the whole phenomena) are one.