Monday, March 7, 2011

A paper bark wooden jar

Last Sunday I received a wooden jar from a Dharma friend of mine Tony. My sister asked: “Your ashes urn?” I smiled. This jar looks like an acorn. The fragrance of the paper bark filled the atmosphere. The texture of the wood, a small beautiful bark still intact, the cracks, the colours, and the look and feel of jar are amazing. It is so gorgeous that I couldn’t put down. When I hold the jar, I could feel the sunshine, the rain, the birds which house by this paper bark, the insects, the rich soil and the mother-nature who nurtured this tree. The most special feeling that I could feel is Tony’s compassion and loving kindness towards his friend.

Years ago I did a study in Gum trees for my year 12 art. My art teacher asked me why I am into gum trees? There are lots of people like to study human beings but I only like Gum trees. This has to go back to my first day in Australia. When I arrived in Australia, I saw most of the trees were not tall, not straight and not green neither. I found them fascinating. Living in this harsh climate and they are still stand that I have a deep feeling for them. I then found out they are the native gum trees. I love to look at gum trees. I like their colours, the snow gum has bright red and yellow stripes, the ghost gum has it’s ghostly white colour, the red gum has it’s brownies red colour, the grey gum has it’s greyish white colour, etc, etc. They all have wonderful fragrance. I especially like the lemon scented gum tree. Every time I walk pass one, I will have a short meditation under the gum, feel its beautiful scent and be part of the tree.

From one of my job interviews, one interview panel asked me why I like trees and especially gum trees. I told him trees are full of live. Gum tree has characteristics of adaptation, resilient, persistent and perseverant. I like to look at the way they reach out to the sky. I like to look at the fallen barks, the resin and the gum nuts. I also like to collect different type of gum nuts. May Gibbs brings the gum trees alive with her Gum nut Babies. Her imagination is truly amazing.

My ashes urn? Will be good if I can rest in it but I won’t settle with only one tree. I am sure this paper bark was a pure land for birds, insects and others. I am sure it is a pure land for the friendship between Tony and I.

Thanks Tony! Thanks paper bark tree! Thanks mother nature! Thanks Thien Tu Hy Xa!

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