From my last article on learning, I talked about greed. I have to tell a funny story about this greed. Years ago, my husband bought a big TV. I mean it was big, real big. He told my sister this big TV was on special in Big W if she wanted to get one for herself. She watched our TV and enjoyed it very much. So she was determined to get one for herself. On that particular day, she rang her husband from work, woke him up and made sure her husband got there first thing when the shop opened. She couldn’t trust her husband so she took a sicky and went to the shop with her husband. Finally she got what she wanted a big TV. She got home and cleared all her stuff out from her room, placed her TV in and realised her room was too small for it. She then put all her stuff back to where they were and finally found some room in her living room for this big TV. After all this running around and hard work, she connected her TV. She was exhausted and saw her craving for a big TV drove her to do all these. She laughed out loud and told everybody about her lesson. The way she described her greed is hilarious. Don’t we all have this kind of moments that our feelings drive us insane and we do not even realise it.
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