Friday, April 10, 2020


In this difficult time, I can see people are panicking for COVID19, cities and countries lockdown. There are many types of fear in people's mind. They fear for the virus, fear for not enough food and toilet paper. These fears are torturing them. People are suffering with their fears like a fly hits itself into a glass window. It seems they can not resolve them.

This is the best time for us to practice meditation. We can observe our fears. Have we ever thought where these fears are coming from? They are from our minds. Fears in our mind appear as images or words. The more we think about COVID19 the more fears we have. We have been bombarded with information on COVID19 whether they are true or not. These fears may work in our minds 24 hours a day. People might die from a heart attack from fear instead of the virus itself. So once we recognise these fears are the words in our mind, why don't we practice to relax our mind by keeping it silent for maybe 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. Of course the best is to do 30 mins to one hour. But if our mind is too agitated we can keep it short. We can even observe our breathing in the triangle area under our nose - by breathing in we are aware we are breathing in, by breathing out we are aware we breathing out. This will not only calm our minds it also can help to ease our fears.

Let us pay gratitude to this COVID19
For helping the world to reduce less CO2 so it can heal by itself
For helping people to see what is important in their life
For helping people to have a close family bond by staying at home
Equanimous = Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta

May you be free from sufferings (fear)
May you be well and happy

With metta

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